We help you find a job in European countries
We provide services to prepare documents for legal employment in Europe.
Highest quality of services on the market
We provide employment services and all necessary documents for legal residence and work in the EU countries and the USA, including obtaining EU citizenship.
Production of documents
- Issuance of invitation and completion of all necessary documents for legal employment in Europe
- Comprehensive legal support at all stages of interaction.
- Comprehensive legal support at all stages of the interaction.Payment: an advance payment to the company's official account is required to start the document preparation process. These funds are used to finance administrative services and payments to the Czech state institutions involved in the preparation of documents. The payment also serves as a confirmation that you are guaranteed to receive all documents legally.
- Consultation with an expert and help in choosing the right job for you
- Highly paid vacancies for residents of CIS and Central Asian countries
- Personal briefing and support in organizing the employee's travel abroad
- Support in adaptation and accompaniment by a Russian-speaking supervisor during the entire period of work abroad
Be careful not to accept offers from companies that offer to pay for services upon production of documents. Often these documents turn out to be fictitious, and the special authorities of the EU countries immediately detect the forgery.
Collaborative process
1. Questionnaire
You fill out a questionnaire
2. Vacancy
We find the right position

3. Recommendation
Sending the questionnaire to the employer
4. Formalization
Prepare a set of necessary documents
5. Work
You're employed
Vacancies from direct employers
Impexprom Employment Europe has been successfully engaged in international employment for many years. Our main goal is to provide a selection of vacancies and all necessary documents for safe work in Europe. We have helped thousands of people from different parts of the world not only to improve their financial situation, allowing them to earn money for housing and a car, but also to help them find their true calling.
About Сompany
Impexprom Employment Europe is a leader in the field of official employment in the European Union. We offer comprehensive documentary support, as well as accounting and legal support. Here are the statistics confirming the success of our activities:
Years on the
employment market
More than 213 partners
across Europe
Formally employed
A1 certificates issued
(as of August 2019)
Our company provides high quality services, legality and transparency of business. Our main priorities are safety, improving our clients' financial results and helping them realize their life plans.
Customer feedback
Initially, I was skeptical about the need to pay, but I decided to give it a try. In the end, the decision turned out to be right. You have to work hard, but it really allows you to earn well.
I turned to the IEE agency for assistance in organizing employment in England, and they provided me with comprehensive support. I definitely recommend this company to anyone looking for work abroad!
I thank the company for their support in employment and am extremely grateful to the employees who helped me with the preparation of all necessary documents.
I definitely recommend Sergey, very grateful for the services provided. Thank you to the agency for the excellent service and superb conditions!
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Partners who trust us
We work with more than 213 partners across Europe. These companies have earned a reputation as reliable and honest employers with a high level of trust.